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2007 Canon / AIPP Australian Professional Photogra…

2007 Canon / AIPP Australian Professional Photography Awards (or APPA for short)

Well, another national awards has come and gone, this year it was held at the Melbourne Exhibition centre, and I thought I’d share with you a bit of what happens at the awards judging.

But First My results!!!

1 Silver Award Wedding Traditional Gerry (image down page in tas awards results)

1 Silver Award Wedding Contemporary See Below in this post

1 Silver Award Portrait Contemporary Dave with Umbrella on fire (image down page in tas awards results)

1 Silver Aware Editorial Martini with Chicken (image down page in tas awards results)

It is always hard to decide what the enter, you can enter 9 images into the Tas Awards, but only 4 in the nationals. So cutting down the 6 images that received awards to 4 is tough. I decided on entering images that were commissioned, as in they were jobs, weddings and portraits. I receive a lot more satisfaction getting awards for images that are my work, I feel it shows my clients that my everyday work is of a high standard, while I still enjoy getting awards for landscapes and other un-commissioned images, it s just nice to be able to say that the awards I received are my work, not my play. A lot of photographers enter images that are more their play over commissioned work, which is fine, and then mention their award wins in their advertising which may have nothing to do with what they got the awards for (ie won awards for landscape photos and then advertise that they won awards in their portrait photography advertising). I have been guilty of this in the past, but will not be doing again.

Anyway enough rant back to the awards

So I only entered 3 images that received awards in Tasmania. The 4th was an image I entered into the Tas awards, but didn t get one. I felt a little ripped off as it as my favourite image I entered, I still believed it was a great shot and decided to put it into the national awards anyway… surprise surprise, it was my highest scoring print over there!

My Silver award image for Wedding Contemporary

How it all works.

The images are all judged anonymously, 5 highly respected photographers judge at a time, and are regularly changed over to keep the judging fresh. When an image comes up, they all give a score out of 100, these scores are averaged out the average is the final score, 80 to 84 for a Silver Award, 85 to 89 for a Silver Distinction, 90 to 94 for a Gold Award, 95 to 100 for a Gold Distinction.

The judges judging a print

Photographers watching the print judging

All the award winning prints are displayed outside the judging room

My Dave Callan image outside the juding

My award images of Gerry outside the juding after winning a silver