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Hi there, Happy New Year! I’ve jumped right back in the deep end this year after having a few days off, so it is all really busy now and I can’t see it slowing down for quite a while.

Christmas involved a bit of driving to see my family up the North West Coast, where my Aunt’s granddaugher, Bridie had her first Christmas, which made for some nice shots including the 4 generational shot.

And then straight back to Launceston to see V’s family before collapsing in a heap from over feeding. After Christmas I had planed to go back to work, but decided a few days off would be good, so i actully went and took photos for myself and thought up some things to work on for this year.

The plan for 2008 is

Shoot more details for my own personal fun

Shoot more landscapes

Share more stories and tips

Learn to spell and do that grammar thing proper

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So I hope all is going well, and look out for another year of photos, i know a little of what is coming up and i’m excited. Hint, there are some babies, bellies, weddings, landscapes, car parks, holga and some secrets.

Happy New Year and have a good one!