Mother's Day Voucher SALE ON NOW - click to get bonus GIN with your purchase!

2012 Christmas Early Bird Special

I offered Early Bird Christmas Specials last year and we had such a good responce that I thought you might like to have the option to grab one for this year too.

You can use your session for any of our standard portrait types from family, kids, pets or just for yourself (did I mention you look great?)

Idea: This is a great early Christmas present for yourself.. go on, you deserve it!

The Lowdown
Session and $200 towards your artwork / files for only $148 (normally $495, you save $347)
Launceston (click for dates) and Melbourne sessions now booking.

I can only offer 10 sessions at this rate so first in best dressed. Email me now for more info

The Small Print
Sessions in Melbourne and Launceston, additional travel costs may apply, not avaliable to be used with any other offer or gift voucher, guarenteed to make the recipient of the photos very happy.