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Max and the duck + Too many pills

Some birds from Melbourne above…

 In other news the dreaded lurgi hit the Photobat office last week. Zakk was out from Monday with a bad cold and I got hit on Tuesday with a sore throat, which turned a bit worse on Wednesday and on Thursday turned into not being able to swallow or speak, fever, headaches and a bit of dizziness. Turned out to quite bad Tonsilitis and an order from the Doctor to not work for 5-7 days… I’m at day 4 now and have mostly taken the Doctors orders, did manage to do a couple of time sensitive shoots but apart from that it’s been nothing. So my apologies if I haven’t returned calls or emails, i’m sure there are heaps waiting for me. I’m going to do a couple of half days Monday and Tuesday and then I hope to be working at 100% again. Vikashni is doing a great job at looking after me and supplied a lot of soft and gooey food and also drove me to the couple of shoots, she will make a good wife (in about 3 weeks!!!)

 I have consumed about 3.5 packets of panadol, quite a bit of penicillin and 2 evil fishermans friends that Garry in the newsagency said would clear up my throat… they didn’t but i learned a couple of things, firstly, Garry isn’t a Doctor and secondly fishermans friends are EVIL. (but Garry is a great newsagent and I trust him with my magazine purchasing)