Day 7
Portraits begin… Little later than I would have liked, but they are here now.
Shot Steward and Richard, from Jerry Springer the Opera and Geraldine Quinn fantastic comedian with a killer voice from Melbourne. I also went for a little walk up Carlton Hill and took some more photos .
I love the textures in this city, I can’t wait to shoot more… I have to run around and find some more locations. Plus the S3 is brilliant… Apart form me not being able to open raw files in photoshop, meaning I’m just doing some rough work on the images at the moment, I will have to do more when I get back home and buy the new photoshop.
Have a few bookings in the next few days, also made contact with a wedding photographer here who I’ll catch up with tomorrow or Monday morning. Be interesting to see the differences in the wedding industry here.
Anyway… Time to fly… Can’t sit around here writing all day, there is rain to get wet in.