I mentioned a little while ago that there is a prizes being given away randomly for people who comment on the Batblog. And today we have Robbie as the lucky winner of a pack of Photobat Art Cards valued at $27.50.
I decided that today’s lucky number was 5, then at random I drew out a card from my business card file and counted 5 numbers in on the phone number on that card. That came up with the number 3, i then counted the 3rd last person to comment on the blog and found it to be Robbie! Yes, there was a slight amount of procrastination in figuring out a way to randomise the prizes!
Remember all you need to do is leave a comment, we have a limited edition art print up for grabs for a random comment left between now and the end of October. It’s worth nearly $500, and the more times you comment the more chance you get to win it.
Well done again Robbie! Pictured above at his wedding.
Click here to check out the Art Cards