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Amy and Luke | Wedding Photography Red Feather Inn

Every wedding has its special points. A few years back Amy organised a portrait shoot with her dad ad sister. I remember at the time thinking what a special relationship Phil had with his daughters. Flash forward and Amy gets in touch saying that Luke, man in her life popped a big question and she said yes. Lucky  Amy to have a couple of great guys in her life. The wedding was held at the Red Feather Inn, a fantastic spot to bring people together for an elegant party. So beautifully styled. The perfect accompaniment to the Inn is the nearby Entally House, a great spot to get away from the crowds and have a drink, some photos and just soak up the wedding day.

Congratulations again Amy and Luke!

Oh, and my really special moment at this wedding, when Amy gave her dad a hanky. I know one day i’ll be a mess in the best possible way because of a little girl.