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Back From Cradle

The first part of this week was spent at Cradle mountain with Vikashni and about 80 other photographers and hangers on. The conference was alright, not the best in my opinon but still picked up some great tips and met some good people.

I had alot of fun wandering around and shooting with Vikashni, including a visit to Dove Lake just after sunrise and shooting in the snow. It was much colder the next morning, less snow but more wind.

I’ll add some more shots when i get a chance, but having 3 week days off means there is heaps of work to be caught up on.

And Vikashni has claimed my second camera when we are out shooting together, she is also picking up photoshop very quickly, so expect big things! (this shot was taken on the drive home using Fuji S5, the latest fuji pro camera, we shall see if i ever give it back to those nice fuji people!)