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Cupcake Origins

Today was all about eggs, flour, milk, chocolate, sprinkles and electric beaters. Cupcake day is tomorrow, so that means that today we spent alot of time licking beaters and throwing sprinkles around the kitchen.

We also don’t like icing, so we decided that CHOCOLATE COATING was the way to go.

My first batch were a little weird, but with some white chocolate on the top all is good.

We were not the only ones busy, Kaba, the furry vacum cleaner, was quite busy keeping the floor clean.

So, tomorrow.. where will you be? With our cupcakes, Zakks cupcakes, my Mum’s cupcakes and Matt and Molly’s cupcakes we have well over 200 to get rid of. That means that you can come and buy them from us and we can give all the money to the RSPCA. We are open from 11am right through to 7pm, Level 3, Holyman House, 52 Brisbane Street Launceston. Look forward to seeing you there.