40th wedding anniversaries are pretty special.
And it was Gary and Betsy’s so time to get all the family together. The Dere family have a brilliant tradition that comes from the USA roots, they make waffles.
Not just any waffles, Gary’s secret recipe waffles made on the waffle press that he bought from the US (can’t get good ones here apparently).
Everyone has their own way of finishing the waffles, ans there was quite some discussion of when the cream goes on, what toppings, what syrup and the knowledge that Gary will be in the kitchen cooking waffles for most of the morning because that’s how it’s done. The family do save a punnet of raspberries just for him.
Plus everyone helps out, setting the table, playing with the kids and generally making lots of smiles and laughs. This is a family of generous huggers and as an observer it’s pretty great to see the closeness of these guys.
I’m so grateful for the opportunity to shoot this little ritual, congratulations again Gary and Betsy.
Interested in documenting your families Sunday morning ritual or just in getting a real portrait your your family that tells a story? I’d love to hear from you