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Design Island Market, this SUNDAY IN HOBART

At the Odd and Even market a couple of weeks ago in Hobart, Vikashni was approached to see if she wanted to have a stall at the Design Island Market as part of Arts Tasmania’s Design Island. The market is THIS SUNDAY IN HOBART. details below.

So what will she have on show, well there will be her very soft and and snuggly Snowpeople (above), Bunnies and Kittens. She sold very well at the last market and i’m sure will do well at this one too. So come have a look, touch the soft toys and fall in love with them like everyone else seems to do!

I’m quite proud of Vikashni getting into this market, i really think she has a talent at making really cute things, her online store is at

Details are…

Design Island Market
4 May 2008 10am–3pm
27 Tasma Street, North Hobart

Tasmania’s top emerging and established designers and craft practitioners invite you to the Design Island Market. Take home some of Tasmania’s finest craft and design of 2008: jewelry, glass, textile, ceramic, product, fashion and furniture design. Buy unique production pieces, prototypes or one off works, directly from the maker!