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Enter our Valentines Day Competition | WIN Dinner at Black Cow + $1000 Photobat Voucher

Let us know your best or worst story about you and your significant other’s attempts (good or bad) at home renovation, handyman work or gardening.

We will upload all the stories into a facebook gallery where you will be able to share your story with friends and family. The winner will be the story that gets the most likes.

This year our prize is a dinner for 2 at The Black Cow Bistro and a $1000 towards a luxury portrait session and artworks from Photobat.

You can use your $1000 towards a couple shoot, a family shoot, a natural light studio session or even some shots just for yourself. You will then be able to create some amazing artwork for your home.

How to enter:

Head over to:

Enter your details and story in the form and you will be in the running. Voting will start Wednesday 8/2/2012 at 10am and finish at 7pm on Monday the 13th of February.

Some conditions: only likes on the images in the Photobat gallery will be counted, the image with the most likes at 7pm on the 13th of February 2012 will be the winner, winning couple must agree to have their photos be used on the blog/website.