It s Tim! It’s 11am the morning after the Perrier…

It s Tim!

It’s 11am the morning after the Perrier Party, the most exclusive party in the Fringe, it’s where the announcements of the winners of the Perrier Awards are made. The Perrier Award is like the Acadamy Award for comedy.

I didn t know i was going until about 20 minutes before i was there. Thanks to the lovely Sarah Bennetto for thinking of me with her spare ticket and friend on the door.

We had to cross a protest line to get in, if you want to find out why have a look at it’s all about Nestle, the company that own Perrier. I did feel a bit bad at going through it, but I wasn’t going to not see Tim get his award. He’s had an amazing run and I’m really looking forward to seeing where his new found fame is going to take him, and Tim’s the kind of guy that isn’t going to let it go to his head.

Tim Minchin, who stormed the Melbourne Comedy Festival in April took Edinburgh by storm so much that they gave him the very prestigious Perrier Newcomer award. I was standing with a group of Australians and UK friends, and when his name was read out and we all went a bit mad.

I have to say well done to Charlie and Rhod, who were also nominated and that’s an amazing feet to get the nomination and they will not be forgotten.

It’s a great end to the festival, and it’s not even the end yet!

All you in Tasmania, Tim is doing shows in September / October at the Peacock Theater and the Earl Arts Center. GO BUY TICKETS NOW.

Tim doing an Interview for The Australian

Charlie Pickering and Rhod Gilbert… were also nominated for the award, i think they took it well

The Minchin Crew

Australians, all wanting a piece of Tim’s popcorn (except Gerard)

Thought i’d get in on the action too.