James and Mandy | Portrait Session

Ok, a quick little post becaue i’m so behind in blogging. There will be more focus on posting a heap of images over writing heaps of words for the next couple of weeks… That said lets jump into Mandy and James’s shoot.

This was fun. Remember back when it was stinking hot a few weeks ago, that is when I caught up with James and Mandy for this shoot. Mandy’s nice bosslady Susan from Jim Hughes and Sons gave her a voucher that she received at a charity auction, she’s a very nice boss! 4 dogs is always a challenge, but I’ve never backed down from shooting lots of doggies and it was another win. These guys seem to like their animals, lots of dogs some sheep, I think there was a horse, or that may have been on the way, anyway, lots of animals (and comers too for you grammar nuts!).


I also managed to get lost finding their house, but getting lost is always fun when you find an awesome location to take photos at (and get splinters)
