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Jason and Catherine

Jason and Catherine are fun. They had cool cars, strange lady onlookers and a boat. Not just any boat, a boat that the Queen and Princes Di have used!


We met the boys at Jam Packed in the old jam factory for a much deserved breakfast and coffee.

Then off to the girls down at Catherine’s mothers place. So many animals about too, I was very tempted to get everyone with the sheep, but girls on heals and soft ground don’t tent to mix. Still we got some great shots out on the patio. The veil is the one Cat’s mum used in her wedding, slightly altered, but still space for 3 girls under there.


So the cool cars came along and then it was time to do the deed. And a great church too, complete with those strange ladies who hang around out the front and peer inside when they can. After the ceremony there was the traditional “throwing of stuff at the bride and groom” before jumping into those cool cars to head down to Henry Street for some fun photos with everyone all together.

Funniest moment was when I had all the guys lined up and asked then to look a bit mean and hold hands. They started to before I lost it laughing. People seem to do things when asked by a photographer, guys holding hands; I don’t think that happens after about grade 3.

Anyway, the next stage of out trip was onto the Tasmanian Motor Yacht Club’s flagship Egeria. Such a cool way to travel, in a boat to cross the river, takes some photos and makes a big arrival at the Yacht Club with all the guests waving from the balcony.

We were about to leave when we noticed that the sky was looking a little interesting. After another 15 minutes we had the last wedding photos of the 2008/09 season in the bag. Great sky, great people, and a fantastic day to close the season.


 Thanks again to Jason and Catherine for a fantastic wedding, so many photo to show you. Hope you are enjoying in Thailand and we look forward to catching you when you back.