Media Week
Most interesting thing about the articles was the fact hat I was described as a “Nuggety Fellow”.
I did some research into “nuggety”.
Google has about 6,000 pages for nuggety. (0.19 seconds) (This, if you are a googlewhacker, does not come up as a real word). Generally a lot of stuff about nuggets and rocks and other geological stuff.
The Encarta Dictionary describes it as:
1. occurring as nuggets: occurring as nuggets
And check out
If being Nuggety isn’t enough, The Mercury gave me another surprise on Wednesday.
I reviecved a text message from a friend saying “I’m watching you”, had no idea why, so I sent one back, and he then sent one saying “we are supposed to watch you”. He then mentioned page 16 of the Mercury. I went and had a look and apparently I’m one of Tassie’s Top Ten To Watch in 2005. This is kinda nice… if you like stalkers. My mum liked it, but then again, she’s been keeping a close eye on me for years now.
And then I got an email from a friend who works at the ABC saying
Straight after that I received an phone call from the TV programe Stateline requesting to do a story on me! I’ll have to go study Austin Powers again, as that’s what the people want these days, bit of a show while the photos are being taken!
Must run now, for I have to keep moving to keep my watchers happy.