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OK, another quick update Exhibition opening …

OK, another quick update

Exhibition opening (photo to come) went very very well, we had 160 through on the day (140 for the opening).

Great cheese too. Matt Boden, a friend from Tas played some dam fine piano, Benne poured some dam fine wine, Andy Muirhead did a great job of MCing, Tom did a grat job of taking photo, and everyone was quite nice… apart from the old guy who said “your prices are an insult, it’s bad for the industry if you don’t charge $2000 for each photo).. I ran away from him twice.

It was great to catch up with some people I hadn’t seen for a while, including some wedding clients. I really liked the opening, I normally just hate talking to people whoa sk the same questions… but I guess I was distracted by the cheese (8 kinds inc 3 goats cheeses)

Greg Fleet didn’t turn up, which is normal, luckily I managed to make a video of him for the opening. It worked out well and everyone laughed in the right places. Much easier having a video, took all the worry out of him being late/not turning up.

Have sold 3 so far, which is 3 more than I planned for.

So far I’ve done 4 portraits, Sam Simmons (check portrait of the week), Danny Bhoy, Bill Bailey and Tim Minchen. I have another 4 booked in, plus a drive to Glenrowan with a Uk comedian. Should be surreal.

Special Feature is coming along, did my shoot with Charlie. Very good one too. And different, it is turning out to be a few different styles. It should be good.

OK, must dash now, 2 portraits to shoot this arvo and a meeting with some UK produces.

Also, 6 Silver awards and 1 Silver Distinction in the Tasmanian Photography Awards, 3 silver and the silver distinction in the General Section and 3 silver in the wedding.