OK, First coffee, waiting for Wellington (who is s…


First coffee, waiting for Wellington (who is sharing my flat in Edinburgh and also going to be doing some writing for some of the photos I’ll take).

Another interesting thing is that I’m dripping. One of those days that you look at the umbrella and think “ I won’t need that” and because clouds can read your thought and some (not all) are a bit evil, they waited for me to get far enough away from my car and then open up and deliver my second shower of the day.

So I’m dripping, onto the computer. Probably not a good thing.

One of the staff just offered me a towel, that’s nice!

I’m in Hobart this time.

As I’m saving every last penny, cent and even button for the expedition to my exhibition in Edinburgh, I’m cutting down how often I get to Hobart. Plus it looks like I’ll be down here for 5 weekends in a row in Feb/March for weddings, so just over 4 our return trip from Launceston, means that I will be spending a whole day driving. I might put a clock in my car and record how much driving I’ll be doing, could be an interesting statistic to add to the Percent in each Location I do at the end of the year.

Drip (wipe)

I’ve also decided that I am going to get an office away from home in Launceston. It’s a big step and I have to get all the pricings done and see what I have to do to survive financially, but I’m taking steady bookings for weddings and that should at least see me through the summer. Lots of expenses involved, I really want a 2 room office, not too big, I need a meeting/viewing room and also an office. Wish list will include nice polished floor boards, 2 nice couches, a projector, sales software, viewing computer, cool vase for flowers, framed prints all over the walls and a good music system to play with the sliudeshows.

Drip… Wellington’s here now.
Another Day… another coffee shop

I’m waiting for a graphic designer; I’m interested in seeing what he can do for me with a new logo and integrating it into all parts of my marketing.

This shop is bad, of the 9 people in it, no one is speaking, even the two behind the counter. I don’t like it one bit.

I want to write more, but I can’t…. I feel like there is no one else here as my back is to them but when I turn around they are there… I’m feeling a bit scared… and that’s silly.

Things are looking ok for Edinburgh now, I received a grant from Tasmanian Regional Arts, which will cover all my accommodation costs, so now I just have to figure out how to eat and I’ll be fine! I got a hand in writing the application from

It’s a full café and no noise. That’s wrong. Reminds me of the year 12 quiet working room at my school library. I just want to throw a rubber at someone.

I have a lot to get done in the next few weeks. I have to arrange all the little things that I havn’t thought of for the UK, plus plan my marketing for the Spring – Summer portrait times. I want to have things in place so that they happen while I’m away and I will have a few enquiries to follow up when I get back.

The major things I have to do are budgeting. Being cafeful to not spent money on the credit card, plus follow up the few people that owe me some money.

I just checked, and I’m not in a doctor’s surgery waiting room, but it feels the same.

I have also had a few wedding booking for the upcoming season. A few interesting wedding to put into the mix of the more standard ones. I have one on a boat cruise up the Tamar and another in Dover in the south of Tas and will involve a 60 ft huon pine boat and all the local “characters” of Dover.

Again I’m getting about 2 in 3 weddings in Hobart. I guess I’m starting to get some word of mouth down there from all the previous wedding I’ve done. It stands at 5-1 weddings in Hobart over Launceston next year.

Plus next year and the beginning of the year after are going to be mixed with friends weddings. I have 3 on the go, and another almost ready to set a date. It’s a hard thing, I get the options, I can come to the wedding and take the photos or I can just come to the wedding. Problem is if I just go to the wedding on a prime wedding weekend, I will loose a bit of money. At the moment I’m not in the position to be able to do that. So I’m giving friends a discount as a wedding present.

OK, this graphic designer is now 35 mins late, he did ring and say it was going to be more like 3.30, but it’s 3.35 and I’ve been waiting about since 3 when he called me to say he was going to be late. Oh well. And here he is…