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Part of a Castle Post Festival It was nice yeste…

Part of a Castle

Post Festival

It was nice yesterday, to just wake up and not have to be anywhere. So I slacked about and generally packed my stuff. Then I decided to go see a castle, Edinburgh Castle, the big one on the hill (or extinct volcano if you want to be picky). Nice and old, lots of photo ops spoilt by tourists, but a lot of good opportunities for photo ops including tourists. I spent about 3 hours looking about, taking some photos and listening to the audio tour.

Then back to get out of the flat and into Jemma s. Once I got settled, did some washing and we started to organise our plans for the road trip about the north. Heading off tomorrow to the Isle of Skye for 2 nights, then up to a beach on the north east of the mainland Scotland and then to a castle which is a backpackers for the last night. The plan is to see Otters, Puffins, some nice mountains and castles and generally have a good look about.

Anyway, after the planning I went for a walk to take some more photos and happened to walk past a Franz Ferdinand concert, with people out the frond selling tickets, the support band was on, and the ticket was for face value (the guy just wanted to go to bed and was already in trouble with his wife!) So I bought it and went to the show, it was good to see them, I thought that the Scot crowd would really lap them up, they were a bit unvocal. It was visually spectacular, a super screen playing some black and white still images and also live footage from the stage. It was in Princess Park, which is just under the castle and was very picturesque.

In other developments, Lost has started here just as I arrived. When I was flying up to Edinburgh I was reading one of the trashy papers and it was the morning after the first episodes had aired. The paper gave away about 5 different things that you learn through the series. I caught an episode on TV tonight that I missed, so that was good.

Anyway, early morning tomorrow to go pick up my Ford Ka.

Jemma, in her room with prixed photo wall