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Putting in the Studio

This is Oliver, being held up by Tom Putt a photographer who was on the great outdoors a little while ago. Tom shoots landscapes, runs photographic workshops and is also a portrait photographer based in Melbourne. Oliver is a baby who likes to sleep in loud rooms.

Tom is a great reason to join the AIPP, well not exactly Tom himself, but the whole thing of meeting other photographers from around Australia is the thing. There are many great photographers about the place who I’ve become friends with and share knowledge about marketing, photoshop, equipment ect. We all help each other and it’s out clients the benefit. Plus the whole friendship thing is also fantastic.

This is Ella getting in on the action. I seem to be Ella’s best friend, she goes nuts when she sees me! She was responsible for waking me up 3 days in a row at about 6am when I was very jet lagged after getting back from the UK in 2005. Lots of fun…