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Quick Portrait – Jack Delousa

Jack seems pretty normal. Not the kind of guy you expeft to be worth over $25 million, but hey I havne’t met too many people worth that much so who am I to judge?

Shot at The Unconvention, the largest event for entrepreneurs in Australia & New Zealand, put on by Jack’s company The Entourage.

His Bio reads exatly like this: Jack Delosa is an entrepreneur, investor, best-selling author and BRW Young Rich List Member. After dropping out of university, Jack has created two multi-million dollar businesses within the education sector: MBE Education and The Entourage. Jack has re-imagined the world of business education. Through The Entourage, he has built Australia’s largest education institution for entrepreneurs who want to live a life on purpose.

Yes, he’s all bout helping people so he’s a good guy.