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Reservoir Dad | Book Launch | Carlton

Last night at readings in carlton I was privileged to see my friend Clint Greegan officially launch his book Reservoir Dad. It’s about his life as a stay at home dad and is getting great reviews all over the place. Rhys Muldoon did the official launching and according to the organisers it was a really fantastic turn out compared to other recent launches. Many a blogger / writer were about and it was great to meet many of them.

The best part of the night? Clint reading a passage from the book that really connected with me and showed what his two passions are, his family and writing. Here is a guy who has turned two things he loves into something hat gives inspiration and laughter to thousands.

So the book is available everywhere, go have a flick through it and buy it.
A great read for those dads to be or anyone with kids. And check out the blog too
Oh and I did the cover headshots for the book too grin