Reservoir Dad | Portrait of the Week

I used to sympathise with the mums who came through the studio, the ones who were at home looking after and raising the kids. I have a totally different view now, a view of complete understanding. Once we hit Melbourne I turned into the mostly stay at home dad. We have daycare a few days a week but I’m officially the primary carer. it’s not the easist job, especially since my “clean” is different o my wifes’s clean. But enough about us… this is all about clint.
Reservoir Dad is a stay at home dad to 4 boys. Yes, Four. His wife is the bread winner and he does a fantastic job of keeping hings in line. On top of making sure the kids have their lunches and are clean he also has a little blog over at A little blog that is getting a lot of readers.

It really deserved a great following, it’s honest, humorous and very well written. I’m shouldn’t be going on and on about but I will because it is really that good. So good that I emailed Clint and drove all the way to Reservoir for a cup of coffee and a chat. (FYI, in peek hour it took me 2 hours and one large cup of coffee to drive the 36 km’s to his place).

Clint’s the kind of guy you want to be friends with, you look past his love for a robot vacuum cleaner  and after a couple of minutes of chat you realise you are friends. I’m glad I went for a drive.

And so, week 2 of my portrait of the week revamp is dedicated to the stay at home dads and Daddy Bloggers. I think we will all be friends soon.