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Response – Helping our Queensland mates

I’m sure alot of Tasmanians have been thinking how lucky we are down here, don’t have really major bushfires (except for that on in Hobart in 1967) and don’t really have major floods (apart from the on Launceston in 1929 and the one still lingering about at the moment). Well, we are still kind of lucky I guess, but not immune to bad things happening. It’s been phenomenal to see all the findraising efforts, volentering and spirit amongts all Australians at the moment to help out those effected by the floods. I’ve been relieved to hear from many of my friends who live in and around the areas that they are all ok, but now turning around to help the others in their area who were not so lucky.

The Rotary Club of Launceston have put together a fundraising cocktail party this Australia Day to help raise some funds. We will be there with the Batbooth, and there is no charge for having your photo taken, but if you put some coin in the tin it will all go to the Queensland Flood Apeal. So see you there?