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Snow! And the end…

On Monday I had a little drive with some other photographers down to Oatlands for my final meeting as a council member of the Tasmanian Division of the Australian Institute of Professional Photographers. I’ve been on the council for about 7 years, in various roles including president. It has been a great experience to get to know quite a few photogaphers who have some and gone over the years. I’m still a member of the AIPP and will always be, just stepping back from the council.
And to add to it all, we got snowed on! The meeting was closed early so the Hobaret people could get going before the road was closed.

The council is in good hands, lots of things on the go and new blood means new directions and ideas. I’m excited to watch what happens, i’m sure it’s going to be good!  New faces on the council include Bronwyn Sellers and Belinda Fettke, who join the remaining members Pam Verway, Janie Boyd, Jan Perkins, Alan Waugh and Bruce Elliott.

I’m still doing a couple of things, one of which is helping local legend Owen Hughes put together a presentation of his work for an upcoming public AIPP meeting in Launceston I’ll let you know when it is on.