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Still on the hunt for big bellies!

Just to let you know that I am still on the hunt for expecting mums! I had a great response from the call out in my newsletter and have been really enjoying the session that I’ve shot in the last month.

So why all the sudden interest in shooting pregnant mum I hear you asking? Well, I’ve always had it on my list of services but hadn’t had a lot of people take me up on it. After talking to some new and soon to be mums,  I discovered there is the thought out there that pregnancy photos have to be nude or semi nude. This is ok for some people, but really scares off a lot of expecting mums. So just to let you know, there are ways of having fantastic pregnancy photos without taking your clothes off or even showing your belly!

So there is no need to be scared! It’s all up to what you are comfortable in showing. There are great options for tight clothing that shows off the bump, plus the clothing reflects a bit about who you are too!

I have a great special for pregnancy portraits on the go at the moment, which also packages together a newborn session!  Basically you will get the portraits sessions and an 8×12 inch from each session for $260 (a saving of over $400). Offer is only valid for people who get in contact with me by the end of September 207, but you have until April 2008 to actually have your sessions! Please send me an enquiry if you are interested in taking up this offer! I look forward to hearing from you soon!