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The Devil Hunter and a Little Angel

Late last year I had the opportunity to head down to Howden to shoots some photos of Denise, Harko, the baby bump and the horse. I had never had such a large prop for a photo (the horse… not the bump!). It was quite nice to be in a field in such a beautiful part of Tasmania I hadn’t been to before. Plus I had never shot a pregnancy shoot with a horse before, he was very well behaved too.

It was interesting having a chat with Harko too, he’s a scientist working on saving the Tasmanian Devils from their facial tumor disease. It was fascinating to hear what what happening and sad to hear about the creature’s bleak looking future.

Skip forward and we welcomed little Niham to the family! Such a nice little baby and very well behaved. We didn’t even notice her when we arrived, she was a sleep on the couch.

I always love a good hand shot and can never get enough of baby expressions!

When I showed the photos to Denise and Harko, Harko was about to go back into the field and be part of a group setting up social networking for devils… Yes that’s right, the Tasmanian Devil population has their own myspace!