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The Umbilical Brotheres Sleepy… I’m in an int…

The Umbilical Brotheres


I’m in an interesting 2 day sleeping pattern, up at 11am, bed at 11pm, up at 8am bed at 4am and start over again. It works. I’m keeping on budget, which could be called spending as little as possible on anything. Managed to find some good meals for very little plus have a supply of apples on me at all times.

Once again I went around to Jemma’s for a shower today, when I got home last night I discovered this.

I rang and left a polite and on the verge of very sweary message on the landlords mobile phone and didn’t hear from him until this afternoon, he agrees to reducing my rent by half for the affected days, which conveniently will pay for the youth hostels that I’ll be staying in on the trip around the north.

Also have my wide angle lens back, which is great. I happened upon another wedding photography studio near the repair place, run by Mark and Owen. Mark won photographer of the year or something and is like most Australian photographers who are in the AIPP, has too many certificates to physically put up on the wall. I havn’t been to their website yet but it’s located at It was really nice chatting about work, seeing what they do and showing them what I do. By coincidence Mark had just been to see Yervant the other day, who is an amazing wedding photographer from Melbourne who did a speaking tour here. I’ll hopefully be hireing their studio to do a shoot on Saturday.

And what a nice shoot it will be, expression shots of the Umbilical Brothers for Sesame Workshop, the same Sesame behind a certain famous street. The Umbi’s are creating a show with them and the images are to be used as promotional material to see them and the show at a major international conference on kids television.

The shoots have slowed down a bit now, I’m not really pushing for them, if I bump into someone I’ll ask. I’m really looking forward to getting out of the Festival. I have a lot planned for the couple of days I’m still here. The Cartier Breson exhibition is going to be the highlight of it, also I hope to actually get into the castle here and do something very touristy.

In celebrity spotting, I’ve managed to just miss the Australian Cricket Team, Aiden Quinn and Joel Edgerton and managed to bump into Ronnie Corbert who I didn’t say anything too as I was amazed at how small he is.

Also had a few hours hanging out on the Meadows, which is a parkland here, having a picnic for Lawrence Leung’s birthday. It was nice just hanging about not doing a lot but did include a bit of frizbe action.

Well, the laptop is now fully powered up, I’ve processed lots of images so it’s time to go and fine some free wireless to upload this and some photos.