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Time… I know I have no time, so why do I kinda…


I know I have no time, so why do I kinda procrastinate. I’m sure I could be getting more done in a quicker time. And no, this is not procrastination, I’ve just spend 2 hour solid emailing (which was not procrastination it was letting people know I’m going to visit them in the UK soon).

So my eyes hurt…

On the up, my nice new camera/laptop bad has arrived. The laptop only just fits into it, and it is pretty. I’ll only be using it when I need to carry both camera and laptop at the same time. Still more convenient to carry just the laptop for some meetings (and I don’t look like a dick when I’m trying to get it out of it’s snug bag).

I’m getting very confident in the way the business is going to take shape for the next year. I did a 2 year olds portrait the other day and it was fun, we were looking for crocodiles and bears! I used my new favourite location; so far I have used it for portraits, landscapes and nudes. Very versatile. It pays to look under bridges.

Anyway, I have to get some sleep, my BAS is due tomorrow and unfortunately, it’s still sitting here… dam it.

Also… time to put the comments section to use, the question I need answering is…

“What do you recommend for surviving long flights and that jet lag thing?”