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Warning… this is cute

About a month ago I was in at the local radio station 7LA to help judge the cutest kid competition and the winner was Charlotte. I caught up with her and her parents at Fresh Cafe to indulge in some coffee, babychino’s and picture taking.

I think you will find she is a very cute little girl, and these family shots are some of my favourite shots i’ve taken in the last week or two (ok, to be honest, i’m really loving all the shots i’m taking at the moment, so this would be the top of the cute list!)

 I love the freckle in her hand in the one above.

This isn’t Charlotte, it’s a Koala

Hmmm… this was too good to leave out of the post…

As was the follow up!

My fave from the shoot above

Charlotte has also got some rather talented parnets,  Berin happens to be in local band Victor Charlie Charlie and Kat has her own online little fashion empire called Frock You. Specialising in womens, baby and kids fashions. Check out her site and have a browse, there is some fantastic items in there. Seriously, go there now!