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Week 5 – Sammy J

My first “Agh, I’m running out of time, and my portrait subject had to postpone due to illness; where will I find someone last minute portrait subject?” 

Luckily, the same day of the postponement, I knew there was a comedy show happening at the Shirley Burke Theatre in Parkdale and that Sammy was headlining. I sent an emergency SMS, and a “happy to help” reply came back. 

I’ve known Sammy for probably 20 or so years. I like the Sammy J on stage just as much as I like the Sam off stage, which is quite a bit.

This shoot was 5 minutes at the most, before the show started in a laneway down the side of the theatre. Quite a simple shoot and more Sam than Sammy, which is what I like.

Sammy’s about to kick off a national tour, and you should go see him. Details over at

Next week’s portrait is still in the wind waiting to be found, but the following two weeks are sorted… but I might need to find some backups.

Follow along the Photobat Instagram to see the rest of the shots from this challenge. Or visit the challenge page to see who’s already been snapped.

Behind the scenes stories and technical info for some shots available over at Shadowbat.