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When the alarm goes off at 6 am you press snooze a…

When the alarm goes off at 6 am you press snooze a couple of times and generally you are up and ready to go without any problems. When the alarm is set for 3.50am you dont press snooze cause its an alarm for a reason.

I had to get up that early to make sure I got to the train station to get to the other train station to get to Heathrow Airport to fly up to Edinburgh. You will be happy to know It all went well, and I managed to get there in time and Im now in not as hot Edinburgh! Horrah!

I dumped my bag at the hostel (a uni dorm kind of thing, 5 rooms to an apartment communal area for only those 5 rooms, so a bit average really). So then I had to go find a plce to dryclean my suit in one day, I got a bit of a serve from the nice (?) lady (?) when I said Id like to pick it up tomorrow, she asked “how long have you known about this wedding?”. Hmm… the whole just getting off a flight seemed to make her understand a little more. Have to go pick it up tomorrow… an extra 2 pound per item for speedy turn around.

I wandered about a bit, then had some lunch, wandered about, really, I did a lot of walking, found a cemetery that I saw from the castle last year, was very picturesque, and there fore I took a few photos of it.

I ended up at the Guilded Balloon, where I had my exhibition last year, a heap of the staff were there getting ready for the onslaught of Fringe in a couple of weeks. Good to see them all and catch up on what had been happening since I saw them 11 months ago.

Following that I ended up in a bookshop, which can be a very dangerous place for me. After a good 45 minutes looking thought the photography section, I ended up at the biography section, where I spied a biography on Donavan, 60s music maker who I quite like, so I bought it, and spent an hour reading it in a café.

This is where the 3.50 alarm started to really effect me, started being a bit too tired. So I decided to try the youth hostel again, still had an hour to kill before my roomo was ready so I read some more, got talking to an Australian who works on a mine 650km NNE of Perth, ended up checking in, and heading off to the pub for a meal. Good conversation from people who lead very different live.

And I declined the offer of a 3rd pint, thought Id best get some sleep cause I really really need it.

Its the next day and Im in a cool café, free wireless and GREAT COFFEE. And the music is brilliant, infact Ive made an mp3 cd for the guy here and he made one for me! How cool is that! visit the site and drop in if you are in the City! Shins, Rolling Stones, Iron and Wine… and much more, this place is brilliant.