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Wombat’s Wedding

Well hello all!  It’s Tom here (Mr Cool – Wombat will explain later I’m sure!) and Wombat is now on the other side of the world, sunning himself on the Greek Islands with his gorgeous girl (now wife) Vikanshni.  So he ask me to write a post and of course, show you a few photos from their wonderful day.

Now I am a photographer and that’s how I met Alan 4 years ago.  Being a groomsman for his wedding was an honour, and I felt it best than rather sticking a camera in his face all day (he’d hired someone else to do that), I would simply just snap off a few frames with my Holga.  But instead, Wombat rocks up to his own wedding with his camera bag (which I then had to look after) and he INSISTS on me grabbing his camera and snapping off frames!  So me being a photographer did just that and here are a few:

The Lovely Couple!Vikashni looking gorgeous!Striking a pose!

It was a fantastic day and I’m sure he’ll have more to tell you when you returns…Tom