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6 to go… Why is one of my current favourite bands…

6 to go…

Why is one of my current favourite bands playing in Hobart tomorrow night? Of course I have to go and se them. So to Hobart I go. I first have to catch up with one of the brides from the last wedding season, have abit of a deconstruction about my wedding photography, the good the bad ect… can only lead to good things.

Then to meet up with Wellington to work out how to interview people so he can turn them into stories. Not too sure how it’s all goin to work. I’ll probably go and buy an ipod that can record from a mic. So bit of shopping in Singapore.

I did manage to get a few things done, there are still many little things that are all around that I’m sure will disappear in the day and a half I have left in Launceston.

Refuge exhibition is under control, weddings are under control, portraits are coming together, packing… well that can wait and there isn’t a lot of other things to get onto, of course the whole getting a studio space and everything that goes in it and the marketing that will put the people in it… that’s all going a bit average.

So… I watched the last episodes of the Amazing Race and Lost that I can see before I go. Dam them both for finishing just after I leave. But I have now read the episode guides and know what happens. Amazing Race ending great, Lost ending just annoying… I think I’m over it now, don’t know if I actually care about it any more, meaning I’ve wasted 20 something hours of tv watching. Nothing compares to my old favourite.. Cold Feet, yeah, it was kind of like a soap opera but it’s the only thing on TV that has ever got me going (and the end of that show was also a little bit of a let down).

Ok, to bed now.