I managed to take a couple of days off over Easter! One of those days off did involve half the day sitting in the office tinkering with potential award entry images. It washard to force ourselves to get out of bed early enough to get some nice landscapes up the Tamar. But we did it, some of mine are below and Vikashni’s will appear on her flickr sometime http://www.flickr.com/photos/vikashni/ . It was fun getting back to shooting some landscapey type stuff, including some long exposure stuff and some more experimental things. I also played with some light using my lovely Vikashni as my model, back light and flare were what I was after, and after the sun went down I managed to get some nice softer images.
This is the same area where I did my first shoot with Vikashni a couple of years ago now, that was before we were together! It’s fun to go to a place we had shot in before and come up with something completely different.
And yes, we had just watched The Virgin Suicides
The Gorge
Jelly fish near Deviot
Some poles at Gravelly Beach
Some shots from Greens Beach
Sea Port in Launceston
The Gorge Pool.
More to come…