At the start of 2003, Adam was the third portrait in that series of portraits of the week. This time, by happy coincidence, he happens to be number 1.
The plan was just a portrait of Adam, you know, get you to go, “Oh, I know him from the telly!” …add a bit of celebrity to kick off this series like I’d done before (Wil Anderson was number 1 last time)
But his daughter Maisie came along to the shoot and ended up assisting me a little. Once I’d got the shots, my instincts as a family photographer kicked in.
The other shots of Adam will appear at some point in “As Photographed For,” but this shot is my favourite. It’s not a guy from the tellie; it’s a father and daughter having fun and creating a memory, which is what I aim to do with every family session.
One down, 51 to go.