Jackson discovered what happens when you realise that being an electrician isn’t good for your health.
One day, he switched off and started learning the cafe trade.
12 months later he decided to go out on his own, found a horse float, turned it into a coffee van and then found the best location to set it up every morning.
And yes, I drove by many times before I stopped. Really, how good can coffee from a van be? I’ve been to farmers markets… bought coffee, had a sip and binned quickly many a time.
But The Coffee Cheif has it sorted. Good coffee in a carpark that overlooks Parkdale Beach.
He’s also managed to build a brilliant community around the van.
He’s officially off and racing* to local hero status! Follow along over at his Instagram @thecoffeechief
Or jump over to his website at www.thecoffeechief.com
*I’m not sorry that I wanted one more pun.
Oh and next week’s portrait is pretty special, they may have come all the way from the USA to take part… stay tuned…
This is a Portrait Of The Week Project, a portrait every week for 2025 for my 25th year in business. Some people I know before I take their photo, some I don’t. Some faces you might recognise, some you might know from walking down the street… Follow along on Instagram @photobat_alan to keep up with the latest facees.